Iconic, symbolic, and indexical images are the three fundamental types of images that are frequently used in visual storytelling. Each kind of picture can be used, frequently simultaneously on the same project, to obtain the desired results; there is no one kind of picture that is “best” suited for web design. Obtaining the desired results requires a combination of various kinds of pictures.
Before moving on to discuss the best applications for each type of image, let’s begin by analyzing its individual characteristics.
1. Iconic depictions
According to the Visual Storyteller’s Guide to Web Design, iconic images are those that can be recognized almost immediately and are closely associated with a particular concept. They are also frequently quite literal imagery, allowing even those who are unfamiliar with them to understand their overall significance. They give the impression of saying exactly what they mean.
Take a look at the signs that point the way to the stalls reserved for men and women. It is not difficult to identify a human figure wearing either trousers or a dress in either of these photographs, regardless of whether you have ever seen them before or have been told what they represent.
Iconic pictures frequently include simplified representations of real-world things, such as arrows, wheelchairs, and other symbols. These representations are known as icons. Icon sets are required to be straightforward and simple to comprehend, whether or not accompanying text captions are present (such as the free UXPin icon pack are often fantastic sources of iconic images).
Iconic drawings include graphical representations of scientific data in the form of graphs, charts, and diagrams. Because the information they convey is presented in such a tangible manner, it is very difficult to get them confused with anything else.
2. Images with a symbolic meaning
In contrast to iconic images, symbolic images are more abstract and are frequently used to express an emotion or idea rather than a specific actual item. Iconic images are more concrete in nature. Symbolic imagery is frequently used in logos because it helps brands communicate the emotions that they want to communicate to their target audiences.
For instance, the Microsoft Windows logo represents a window in a way that is both abstract and not literal at the same time. It is possible that some people will interpret it in a different way, particularly if they come from a culture in which a different kind of window is more commonly used.
In most cases, one must be instructed in the meanings of the various symbolic images. They are not easily recognisable at first glance due to the fact that they are not literal. It’s possible that until the message is understood, they won’t make much sense at all.
Instead, the use of semiotics, also known as visual grammar, allows symbolic images to more effectively communicate meaning than iconic images do. Visual metaphors are what symbolic images are, and it is often necessary to have an understanding of metaphors in general in order to correctly interpret symbolic images. It is a fact that a great number of symbols are recognised on a cultural level due to the fact that they are utilised so frequently in association with particular things or ideas.
One example is the placement of traffic signs such as stop signs. In addition, if you were to enquire about the meanings of the traffic signs in another country with a native of that country, you would most likely receive an inaccurate response regarding a sizeable portion of the signs’ meanings.
3. Indexical pictures
Images that function as indexes connect the meanings of the image’s appearance and representation with one another. For example, if the thermometer reads below zero, it indicates that the temperature of something is below freezing.
In the worlds of advertising and design, indexical images are among the ones that are used the vast majority of the time. We tend to avoid providing overly literal representations of things because we would rather evoke a feeling in the user than force literal information down their throats. This is why we avoid providing overly literal depictions of things.
Take into consideration the following two examples:
Which image, a literal picture of someone crying or an emotional picture of a kid’s bicycle sitting in the front yard, soaked and abandoned, would you prefer to have in front of you?
If you had to choose one image to represent happiness, which would you pick: an emotional or a literal picture of a cute puppy playing in the sand?
Despite the fact that both types of visuals can evoke a feeling, the person is more likely to actually feel something rather than merely think about the emotion while viewing the latter example of each form of image. This is the case even though both types of visuals are suggestive of an emotion.
It is possible to achieve a similar effect by utilising more abstract aspects of visual design, such as colour schemes. When compared to the rosy pinks and muted aquas that were more prevalent in the 1950s, a colour scheme that features neon hues from the late 1980s or early 1990s will immediately make a very different impression on the viewer.
What is the most effective method?
Each of the three pictures should have a home within the proper layout. As is the case with all design methodologies, everything is determined by the particulars of your project. Despite this, the fact that there are some reasonable ground rules remains unchallenged.
During the process of constructing the fundamental navigational framework for the website, it is highly likely that you will want to stick with iconic images or with images that fall between the categories of iconic and symbolic. You do not want users who visit your website to be curious about what will take place if they click on a particular image.
Experiment with some free association using the concepts and the various images that might come to mind. In addition, look for photographs that are based on those theme phrases, and then start thinking about what might go together the best, as well as what you should absolutely leave out.